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Right now, lawmakers in Sacramento are debating the future of rideshare drivers in California.
Today, drivers work independently and decide when, where, and how much to drive. This means reliable and affordable rides available in more places when you need them most.
But some lawmakers believe drivers should be employees of the technology platforms they use—whether or not drivers actually prefer that.
Forcing all drivers to become employees could drastically change the rideshare experience as you’ve come to know it, and would limit Uber’s ability to connect you with the dependable rides you've come to expect.
Instead, Uber is advocating for a brand-new policy that would strengthen protections for rideshare drivers by:
Uber believes that this innovative new model will both protect drivers’ ability to work on their own terms, while maintaining the reliable rideshare experience you’ve come to depend on. But to make this possible California needs to update the law!
Uber driver provides the flexibility to run a small business . Forcing drivers to become employees makes it more rigid to be an Uber driver. If Uber is compelled to make all drivers employees it will become a huge beauracratic corporation, less flexible, and out of touch with consumer needs and wants like a monopoly where the government will have to intervene and break it up like Microsoft and Mountain Bell.
Tyra Kelley on keeping a flexible schedule
We need the flexibility because who lives in California know that everyone on the family has to work to afford to pay the basic living style in California so i have to take care of my 2 years old son while my wife it’s working hard and then its my turn to work
I love Uber and have been with them over 2 years. I only drive for them. Being flexible enables me to drive WHERE the money is, WHEN I can, as much AS I NEED TO. if this was taken away, many of us could literally lose our homes. I pray this doesn’t happen. Debi Wilson
I love Uber and have been with them over 2 years. I only drive for them. I need to be able to remain flexible so that I can drive WHERE the money IS, WHEN I need to, as much as I NEED TO in order to sustain my home. Debi Wilson
I been driving for UBER for about 3 years the beauty of driving for UBER is the FLEXABILITY....I'm a 60+ years old man ..I have a full time job..I already have an EMPLOYER....I don't need another one...the reason I drive for UBER it's because I'm saving for my RETIREMENT..I DON'T want to loose the FLEXABILITY that I have now....I'm not INTERESTED in full time benefits...I just want to drive when I want...where I want... I WANT TO STAY INDEPENDENT !!!
Flexibility—that word ALONE tells it all. I want Uber as it is now—flexibility—I’m definitely not interested in becoming an employee.
We are already pressed to the limit with low incomes, high hours, and high expenses. Legislators are only going to add injury to insult. Mick Malkemus, MS
Flexibility and instant pay are the main factors I want my independent driving.
We signed a contract to be independent driver not employee. If I wanted to be I would have gotten a job. This is not for the interest of the drivers but only for union Bosses! We did not ask for this law. We do not want it!!
I support Flexibility !
Hi , my name is julia hernandez , im a uber driver I want to be a independent driver , california its very expencive I need 2 Jobs. I like uber , because i Make my time
Working my schedule was why I went Uber after driving as a medical lab courier on there schedule got to demanding
I like MY independence! I do not need MY choices nor MY decisions on how or where or when I choose to work legislated by others. I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF!!! I do not to need others trying to take care of me.
I just started driving independently appropriately 2 1/2 weeks ago and I need the flexibility to create my own hours and areas to drive in to pay off some debt and other expenses that Social Security does not handle. It is ashame once again that government is interfering with peoples lives when we are trying to make it better. What happened to independence!
I'm a Mother of two been a professional Driver for UBER is important for my family my 13 year old son has Asperger's and my 9 year old daughter has a spectrum of autism the flexibility I have to make it in my every day battle on learning how to be there more for my kids is very important for us as a family. I graduated from college with owners as a medical assistant and still couldn't provide the love and care my kids needed from me because I was a slave to a job the flexibility that UBER has given me as a mother has given my kids there time we'll spend with therapy that we couldn't do before because I had to be at work, there father and I are the only ones helping with there growth no one helps us we are both UBER drivers because we take turns in the day so my kid have there parents involved with every step they take forward we are not millionaires and we are not becoming millionaires by being professional UBER drivers we are just scraping by to make ends meet for our family to be able to be United and strong as one.
There's no reason why Governor Newsome should take away the American Dream from honest trustworthy citizen drivers who want to be in business for themselves. It should always be the way of life to be able to take the time to care for your own children, a disabled family member, ect, ect, because after all being in business gives drivers the opportunity to advance in life profitably not with low wages or limited hours for a work day. We are not trying to take away Governor Newsomes' flexibility to do what he wants with his personnel time, so why should he take it away from us responsible drivers? The American Dream should always be # 1 in America where the land of the free and home of the brave roam. God Bless America and California Governor Newsome.
Siento que no es justo lo que hicieron, en mi caso me afecta porque es un trabajo que hago cuando puedo y tengo el tiempo para ello además me permite realizar mis citas pendientes y las de mi esposa, apoyo la forma de trabajar independiente
That’s how I feel being a part time Uber driver......Being an independent contractor and setting my own schedule are two things I love about the work and why I decided to drive for Uber. Taking those away changes everything and is a scary thought in my opinion. I’m fine with more benefits but not at the cost of flexibility. I’m kinda disappointed with the promotions now and I think is completely wrong that I need to pay taxes for the 25% from the trips that go to Uber(it’s awful). Beside these, I really love to drive for Uber, I like to deal with people and I like to drive. Sometimes people are very rude, but hey they’re humans and I just give to them my smile. Drive for Uber together with my independent personal trainer job, I make a good income. Thanks for the opportunity! 🙏❤️
Independent is very important for UBEr driver. Please keep it as is. Do not change it.